Saturday, January 30, 2010

Coffee Face

I am not sure how much coffee during a day is too much, but I think my body gives me a hint from time to time. Yesterday, I reached 4:00 p.m. and my sixth cup of coffee for the day and I noticed that my face was flushed and I seemed to have an insatiable desire for water. Of course, this is the result of dehydration likely brought on by the diuretic properties of the coffee. There are certainly ways to avoid this condition. Examples include:

  • Stopping after one cup in the morning (sounds lame)
  • Pacing myself throughout the day (different shade of lame)
  • Switching to decaf in the afternoon (what is the point of drinking that swill)
  • Stopping my habit all together (I can't believe I even typed that)

No, I think I have settled on a solution. I am going to keep drinking coffee until I get that flushed coffee face and then I will binge on water to recover. I realize this may not sound like the healthiest solution, and my doctor may one day suggest it's time to make a change. Until then, coffee face it is.

What about you?


viagra online said...

Well I have to tell you that I'm like you because I use to drink a lot of cups of coffee during a day because that's like my fuel to feel good!

Ildiki said...

I know the (instant) solution to your problem :)

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