Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The search for a Starbucks in rural America

(A businessman's lament)

This morning I had the great pleasure of driving up the Delmarva Peninsula from Annapolis to Newark, Delaware for a meeting with a client. The bucolic rolling landscape was perfect as I cruised along with my Nespresso cappuccino in one hand and George Winston on the stereo.

That was this morning. This afternoon on my return, there was no Nespresso from home. So I had to find my afternoon coffee. Bucolic + Winston - Coffee = esta no bueno.

So there I was, vainly searching for a Starbucks in a land devoid of this heavenly pleasure. I frantically scanned strip mall signs much like the one below. I am sure you have been there. You look from sign to sign and everything that is green raises your spirits only to have them dashed again.

Alas, the Glendale Plaza had no Bucks and I feared that the company's slashing of more than 600 stores made it a virtual guarantee that there would be no grande cap for the way home.

As I began to work my way back to the highway, an image appeared before me as if it was a mirage in a dry barren desert. My car then willed itself to a place of sanctuary. I was here.

And even better it had a drive-thru:

The equation was complete again. Bucolic + Winston + Starbucks = tranquilidad

It's the little things in life we should all enjoy. Like an unexpected Starbucks...with a drive-thru.


Sean c. said...

Andy - I've used the Blackberry to find Starbucks along I-81. There is a nice one populated by eager college students in Staunton, Virginia, just off of the interstate.

Dark Roasted D.C. said...

Good call Sean. My wife and I often get teased because on long trips in the car our GPS only says our final destination and then a million Starbucks in between.

pharmacy said...

I frantically scanned strip mall signs much like the one below.

viagra online pharmacy said...

I have an app to look for the nearest Starbucks whenever I am or wherever I go, it is pretty useful for caffeine addicts like me!

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