Thursday, August 12, 2010

Another Sign That The End is Near

Why must we continue to support the cold coffee lobby in this country. On a day when the weatherman has suggested that the temps will reach well into the 90s you will once again find me drinking coffee as God intended it to be. For those of you scoring at home, that means it will be hot! So imagine my chagrin when I read these statements in the Wall Street Journal yesterday:

"Some 1.2 billion cups of iced coffee were served outside the home in the 12 months that ended in May, a 6% increase over the previous 12 months, according to NPD Group, a Port Washington, N.Y. market-research firm."
 AAAccckkk! Stop the madness, the article goes on to state that, "In a nation overrun with frozen latte drinks, shockingly few people know how to make a respectable iced coffee at home."

The reason for this "problem" identified in the article is because there is no such thing as a respectable cup of cold coffee. Read the article for yourself and see what you think. I, for one, will remain firmly planted on my hot coffee soap box... at least until I change my mind. 


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