Sunday, November 15, 2009

Roasted in D.C.

Each weekend, I will be posting a write-up called "Roasted in D.C." While coffee is the main focus of my posts, I love politics as well. So why not take a little space to highlight a politician who got a little burnt recently? This week's victim -- RNC Chairman Michael Steele.

In an interview last weekend on a program called Washington Watch, Steele agreed with a statement by the host who said, "white Republicans are scared of black folks." Steele's response to this statement was:

"You're absolutely right. I mean I've been in the room and they've been scared of me and I'm like, 'I'm on your side,' so I can imagine going out there talking to someone like you," he said, referring to the host's liberal credentials.

I personally had a chance to meet Mr. Steele at a fundraiser when he was running for the U.S. Senate against Ben Cardin. I found him charming and well spoken. Yes, he was the only African American in the room. And we weren't scared.

I guess even smart men, sometimes just say the wrong things. And for that, Steele is my choice for "Roasted in D.C."

If you want to watch it for yourself, here you go.


Kelly Cousineau said...

I personally love him as RNC chair. With every media interview he makes Dean's chairmanship look just a bit little less awful.

Dark Roasted D.C. said...

That is true, but I still have to say that Dean was a horrible choice for the Democrats. I mean he looks arrogant and ready to say the wrong thing at all times.

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